Welcome to St Nicholas Church, Chislehurst
We are a welcoming and inclusive church where everyone is embraced as part of our community. We celebrate the richness of our community through a variety of worship services designed to engage all ages and traditions.
Whether you are seeking a vibrant all age contemporary worship, traditional Holy Communion or the serene beauty of choral evensong, you will find a service that suits you. At St. Nick’s, there’s a place for everyone and everyone is welcome.
The Church is open for you to visit between 9am and 5pm every day.
If you wish to speak to us about a Wedding, Baptism or Funeral, please email Rev'd Rachel Curley
For general enquiries you can either click here for more details, call the parish office direct on: 020 8467 0196 or contact the office via email stnicholaschislehurst@outlook.com.
Please note, hall bookings can only be made via the Parish Office during office hours.
Our Services for Sunday 23rd March 2025
3rd Sunday of Lent
​Said Eucharist BCP
Parish Communion​
Every Wednesday
​Said Eucharist BCP​​
Our usual Service Pattern
​When there is a 5th Sunday in the month we hold special services, which will be advertised in advance.
Said Eucharist (BCP)
Main Parish Communion (Common Worship) 2nd & 4th Sunday
All Age Breakfast Worship in the Village Hall
1st Sunday
All Age Communion
3rd Sunday
Choral Matins (BCP)
3rd Sunday
Choral Evensong (BCP)
1st Sunday
Said Eucharist (BCP)
The Leadership Team at St Nicholas' Parish Church takes its safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and is committed to ensuring the church and hall buildings are safe places for all. If you have any concerns about safeguarding you can contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer, Susie Hemming-Clarke or telephone: 07790 689 028 or email susiehemmingclark@gmail.com
However, if you or someone you are concerned about is in immediate danger, please call the Police on 999. This website has a section entitled SAFEGUARDING which can be found by clicking here